Become a Sponsor and Impact Change

Our sponsors are those individuals and organizations that see the true purpose in women living a healthy and favorable lifestyle. Join us in our mission of creating a brighter future for women everywhere! Become a sponsor by helping to empower women to reach their full potential and become an essential part of any community. Your donation will help us provide events, services, resources, and assistance to women all over the world – amplifying their success and growth. Join us in our mission of creating a brighter future for women. Our sponsors are supporting women’s growth, enrichment, and success. Being a part of our community of giving allows you to impact lives all over the world. Sponsorship helps our community extend services, events, and help to communities and countries that would not have been possible without sponsors. We have many ways in which you can sponsor. See the list below.


  • Sponsor 1 year of Elevate 90 or Elevate 180 membership for as many women as you chose and we will. send the story of the women you have sponsored.
  • Sponsor the cost of hosting a Teapowerment in any State or country.
  • Sponsor $1000 or more towards any Teapowerment, Elevate Conference, or High Tea-is-Her (High teaser).
  • Sponsor a Teapreneur for women trying to start their own Business.
  • Sponsor a Teafe` for one woman to own their own Tea Cafe`
  • Give our TeaReach! T.T.E.A Women’s Efforts to help poverty-stricken Communities.
  • Partner with Emet University to donate $500 or more to the Tea-Ed. Scholarship funds that cover tuition for eligible girls attending Emet University.